5 Career Mistakes to Avoid

Woman holding coffee mug that reads 'like a boss'

 Career Development

If you want to progress and climb the career ladder, here are 5 mistakes you should avoid:

1. Not applying for a role because you don’t think you’re good enough.

Always apply if you’ve got 80% of the listed skills / qualifications, and the ambition to make up for the other 20%. Don’t hold yourself back from applying for your dream job, because you haven’t got 100% of the skills they require. Employers value a great attitude over skills, skills can be learnt on the job.

2. Not telling anyone that you want to progress.

If you want to progress, let it be known! Your manager can help you work towards a promotion by teaching you the tasks and responsibilities of the role. They will also be able to support your application and put you forward when opportunities arise

3. Not speaking up if you’re unsure on something.

Ask your colleagues or managers if you’re unsure how something is done. It’s better to ask than try and get it wrong.

4. Staying in a job you don’t like.

Life’s too short, you owe it to yourself to leave and find a role you in enjoy in a company you respect and value. Doesn’t matter how long it takes, put your energy into finding your passion. If you don’t know what that is, make a list of what you do and don’t like, and apply for positions that fit that. I knew when I left my bar role that I didn’t want to have to wear a uniform and have my hair tied back and I wanted to be able to wear nail polish! It’s OK to start there and continue to figure things out as you progress through roles.

5. Accepting too much work.

It’s great to take on extra responsibilities and stand out from the rest, but make sure you have the time and energy to complete these tasks to a high standard. It won’t do anyone any good to set you impossible tasks. You’ve got to avoid burnout for yourself and your company!

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